I'm living for myself now. You're gone.
In one ear and out the other, our time has come and passed.
I just hope you're

Every time you hurt me I always say I'm
done with you, that I'm going to move one
and I'm gonna stop talking to you & guess what?
It never happens. Maybe it'll be different this time.
Maybe I could go through with what I say

Moving on doesn't take a day, it takes lots of little steps to
be able to break free of your broken self
if you’re still holding onto the wrong one

This is why you should see the glass as half empty.
So when the whole thing spills, you aren't as devastated

we have two simple choices:
go back to sleep and dream
or wake up and chase those dreams

because I can't stand the pain,
it's time for my last tear to fall and smile again
it’s so overrated

Life changes, people grow up and grow apart, and you accept that.
Yet you still can't stop thinking of how good it used to be;
afraid you'd never experience it again,
afraid you've already lived it and already lost it
Well well.